Hiroki's portrait

I’m a software engineer specializing in web development infrastructure. My passion is improving DX (Developer Experience) by creating tools that streamline workflows.


I’m currently a Senior Web Platform Engineer at Square, focused on enhancing frontend infrastructure across the company. Previously, I worked in the Square Online department on UI component libraries, seller websites, and optimizing site performance. I started my career at Weebly as a frontend engineer, where I discovered my passion for DX tooling.

Read my CV →


If you’re stuck on a tough engineering problem, need someone to audit a slow build, or are seeking broader guidance, I’m available to help.

I specialize in frontend tools and frameworks, with a strong focus on improving DX and infrastructure. And I love helping and connecting with people around the world. If you’re interested in working together, feel free to reach out!

Let’s connect

Feel free to connect with me on any of these platforms!